Miami Real Estate Reports
The Analytics Miami reports are independent research, not paid for by brokerages. The reports are unbiased towards any outcome and are presented without hype. We believe in letting the data and the charts speak for themselves.
Understanding where we are in the current market cycle is a key factor to consider when making investment decisions. All markets move in cycles and have directionality; nothing goes up forever and nothing goes down forever. Reporting quarter- over-quarter is not enough to reveal the prevailing trend. Analytics Miami reports show at least 10 years of data, thus shedding light on market directionality.
2022 ReportsAnalyticsMiami
Q1 2022 Pompano Beach Estate Report & Forecast
The flight of capital and talent continued with no sign of abatement.
A major shift in focus is underway.
$1M+ transactions on fire
Transaction volume above $1M was up 411% in 2021 versus pre Covid levels in 2019. The first four months of 2022 are on pace to reach 2021 levels. A new class of product has emerged as Pompano Beach has started to transact past $1M.
Inventory at record low & falling
Inventory continued to steadily fall throughout Q1 2022, Aggregate city-wide inventory fell a staggering 69% versus the same time period in 2019. Sub $1M condos & SFH inventory fell 71 % and 70% respectively.
Ana Bozovic
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