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Just released: Miami Dade 2024 annual report & 2025 forecast!

Just released! My 2024 annual Miami Dade real estate report is now live! Uncover Miami's hottest real estate trends & opportunities. Highlights: --> New product at prime locations continues to shine: we actually don’t have enough. Both condo and SFH transaction volume was up YOY past $1K / sq ft. SFH past $1K /sq ft hit an all time high and is up a remarkable 631% vs. 2019 (pre Covid) --> Despite fake, alarmist press headlines: Miami Dade overall inventory levels remain below 2019 (pre Covid) levels --> Speaking of inventory levels, this is truly shocking: Miami Dade SFH active listings below $500K are down 800% vs. 2019 pre covid. There are now only about 600 active SFH listings sub $500K in all of Miami Dade County. Pre Covid in 2019, there were over 3,500. I think the implications of this are obvious. And far reaching.

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Hot off the presses! Miami Dade SFH 2024 report preview

Hot off the presses! Miami Dade SFH 2024 report preview. Full 2024 year end report and 2025 forecast coming next week. Median price at all time highs, inventory 36% below pre covid (2019). This should provide plenty of ammo to retort the negative, click bait generated by legacy media. Annual data is simple to understand and the truth is clear.

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NEW CENSUS DATA: blue states continue to lose population!

I made the table after downloading and processing newly released 2023 interstate census data. Source: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2024/state-to-state-migration-flows.html The pattern is very clear. High tax, blue states are losing population due to interstate migration. And as I keep saying, I do not see this reversing. I do not see a sudden net flow into high tax states. The political leanings of the state seem to be correlated to the tax levels. My study was picked up twice by the Daily Mail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14055047/US-map-fastest-growing-states-census-population.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/article-14198061/florida-arizona-cities-baby-boomers-travel-packs.html The pattern is very clear. As the country reshapes around 21st century realities and shift in economic focus continues, high tax states are clearly losing population.

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Ana Bozovic Refutes Newsweek, yet again

Legacy media has dug its own grave. Completely false headline again, accompanied by a very poorly written story. The arrogance with which legacy media lies and creates poorly written, politically motivated hit pieces is breath taking. And this is my second time refuting a Newsweek article. I had previously debunked a Newsweek article in July, 2024.

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Trump won. What does this mean for Florida & Miami real estate?

Trump won the election, what does that mean for South Florida & Miami real estate? Journalist Brian Bandel asked me that question the day after the election. And this is what I told the South Florida Business Journal: “Given the team that he has assembled, most notably Elon Musk, I believe that a Trump presidency will be aligned with entrepreneurs and creators,” Bozovic said. “Since South Florida is attracting tax payers and creators, our housing market will be further super charged by an administration that fosters entrepreneurship.” And I stand by every word of that. Furthermore, I feel that a subconscious pause has been lifted in the aftermath of the election. The next wave forward is about to commence. And note: I am compiling October numbers. As per my thesis, the SFH market continues to hit all time highs. End user product within proximity of the urban core is a strong play.

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2023 Intrastate Migration Numbers Released by the Census: TX & FL winning

2023 Intrastate migration numbers are in, just released at census.gov. Rather unsurprisingly, the post Covid trend continues. TX & Florida are once again #1 & #2 when it comes to net intrastate migration gains.  * Blue states, that tended to be high lock-down & are high-tax, keep losing population. (This is an observation, I am a registered independent). The top five population losers were all blue states.The two winners (TX & FL) have no state income tax. The two biggest two losers (CA & NY) have among the highest levels. I do not report on this with any personal joy, I grew up in NYC. It is what it is.

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Ana Bozovic Debunks Business Insider

I released my official Q3 2024 Miami Dade report last week. All of the Miami and South Florida numbers were fresh in mind. I happened to come across an article in Business Insider that made the bold statement: "Home-listing prices are down as much as 12% in boomtowns in Florida, Texas, and other popular states" The article then lists Miami as #1, with a 12% drop in list prices. This is absolutely not true. Not even close. This is honestly mind-blowing.  I caught this because I am an expert in this field. And in all honestly, this makes me seriously wonder what else is completely false.

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Q3 2024 Miami Dade Real Estate Report: Official Release

Officially live: Ana Bozovic's Q3 2024 Miami Dade Real Estate report! Segments catering to the wealth and talent migration continue to outperform pre Covid realities by a wide margin, with some segments at all time highs. Ex: SFH past $1K /sq ft transacted at record levels Q1-Q3 of 2024. And most market segments above $500K saw YOY sales volume growth (all SFH segments and some condo).  Actionable value is found when drilling down, but the macro drives the micro. We need to understand the basis of the market and the fundamental trends driving what we see in the numbers. Starting there, we can then drill down further in order to make predictions on specific sectors.

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Q3 2024 Miami Real Estate Report Preview

Q3 2024 has just closed out! The data continues to trickle in. I will have my full Q3 report ready for you next week. Today I would like to share a preview of some of the initial findings. Spoiler alert: the #LongMiami and South Florida thesis keeps playing out. Segments successfully catering to the wealth & talent migration: -> New product in prime location. -> Throw in in inherent scarcity, and you get the phenomenon that is our high-end SFH market.

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Show Me The Money: all cash buying percentages across South Florida real estate

Show Me The Money: A cash market is very unlikely to exhibit bubble-like behavior and it has a solid floor. The South Florida market is very heavy on cash. As data keeps coming in corroborating the South Florida & Miami story, various news outlets continue to publish unsubstantiated clickbait to the contrary. I have been seeing stories lately about "bubbles" and "froth". The question bears asking: what is a bubble and how / why do they pop? Asset bubbles are almost always the result of irresponsible usage of easy debt. When the underlying assets can no longer support the debt, prices quickly collapse. And in retrospect, we define said phenomenon as a bubble bursting.

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